
第 15 号のオンライン ギャラリーはこちらからご覧ください

Milne Publishing is proud to present Artist Talk Magazine issue 15. This issue is dedicated to Art in Isolation, your responses created during COVID-19. Everyone featured within this issue have given interesting, in-depth, honest accounts about themselves, their work, views and ideas. In addition to the amazing images of the work they have produced, which I know you the reader will enjoy and be inspired by. Thank you to everyone who entered our open call.

The cover of this issue is by Clara Lemos, titled ‘Where to next’ Despite being an art lover for as long as I can remember, it was not until the beginning of 2021 that I decided to create my own art. In the middle of a global pandemic and going through a period of maternity leave, I felt that I needed to open up a new chapter in my life. I felt an immense need to cope with all the outside stress and anxiety to find a place of my own. My artwork is my response to the COVID-19 pandemic and my very personal way of finding meaning in isolation.

In my pre-pandemic life, I was an avid traveler and I used to spend nearly all my free time either traveling or planning for it. As a good planner, I kept a ‘where to next’ list enumerating all the countries that I hoped to visit in the coming years. With all travel plans on hold, I incorporated my wish list in this artwork, as a display of hope and my way of trying to look past the pandemic. So, what appears to be a somewhat dark piece, is actually one filled with optimism and light. Beside the ‘where to next’ list, this artwork was created with some additional paper collage, which provided a subtle texture and contributed to the composition, acrylic paint, ink, charcoal and wax pastels.

We are proud to showcase Samaritans on the back cover. You can contact them for free day or night, 365 days a year. If you’re going through a tough time, you don’t have to face it alone.

Thank you to everyone involved.

Grant Milne,
Founder of Artist Talk Magazine

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