
第 17 号のオンライン ギャラリーはこちらからご覧ください

ミルン・パブリッシングは、アーティスト トーク マガジン第 17 号を発行できることを誇りに思います。この号は、アートのあらゆる側面を称賛することに特化しています。この号に掲載されている全員が、自分自身、自分の仕事、見解、アイデアについて、興味深く、深く、正直に説明しています。彼らが生み出した作品の素晴らしい画像に加えて、読者はきっと楽しんでインスピレーションを受けるでしょう。公募にご応募いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。

Our cover feature ‘Beyond’ by Pete Rey is an inspirational piece of work from his latest collection ‘Atmosphere’, which is a dedication to the life’s work of his great grandfather, Gordon Miller Bourne Dobson CBE FRS. Gordon was an eminent scientist in his time, who studied the atmosphere, developing equipment to measure the density of ozone, ultimately leading to the discovery of the hole in the ozone layer for which he was awarded a CBE and an FRS from Merton College Oxford. To this day NASA and all scientific bodies still use his measurement ‘The Dobson Unit’ as a measurement of Ozone in the atmosphere.

‘Beyond’ was produced from an inspirational image piece acquired from NASA, captured from a satellite viewpoint of the earth’s atmosphere. The piece presents the wondrous layers of a dawn sky ascending into the depths of space and a presentation of its majestic beauty.

The collection ‘Atmosphere’ draws attention to current environmental concerns and celebrates the success of humanity in working together to address CFC use in the 1980s in the hope we can unite once again to try to stop global warming.

Thank you to everyone involved.

Grant Milne,
Founder of Artist Talk Magazine

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