
Hello, I am


Leigh Witherell (b. 1969; Denver City, Texas, US)


リー・ウィザレル (Leigh Witherell) (1969 年生まれ、米国テキサス州デンバーシティ)

Leigh Witherell, a photographer and highly acclaimed painter, resides and creates in Brevard County, Florida, conveniently located near both Orlando and Cape Canaveral.

While Leigh's formal education in the arts only commenced in college, her passion for the enchanting realm of literature was ignited during her childhood. Delving into a diverse range of literary masterpieces, encompassing the realms of King Arthur, Beowulf, and numerous others, served as a catalyst for her vivid imagination and ultimately nurtured her passion for creative expression.

これらの情熱の結集により、彼女は最終的に美術を副専攻として英語で学士号を取得し、その後、オハイオ州フェアボーンにあるライト州立大学で文学の修士号を取得しました。 2018 年に話が進み、リーとその配偶者はフロリダで新たな章に乗り出すことを決意し、そこで芸術活動のための専用スタジオを備えた夢の住居を発見しました。


Just before Amanda passed away, she had encouraged Leigh to pursue her career as an artist and had suggested fluid art as a collaborative project for them. Inspired by Amanda's words, Leigh decided to delve into this new technique and soon began showcasing her fluid art creations. However, it wasn't long before her artistic journey led her towards her true passion - melancholic abstract figurative and landscape art. This particular technique allows her to express the depth of her emotions and the variety of feelings that now shape her everyday life. Through her artwork, Leigh can effectively communicate how her experiences have influenced her and continue to shape her ongoing evolution.



Email: leighs.art@witherell.net

Website: www.leighs.art


Facebook: www.facebook.com/leighsartfl



For many years, my art remained a deeply personal endeavor, hidden from the world's view. It was a talent unknown to most, as I never exhibited it, nor spoke of it; instead, I painted quietly and infrequently. Only my children were aware of my artistic pursuits, and it was through my example that I inspired my daughter to embrace her own artistic path. She firmly believed that I was neglecting my true passion if I didn't create, and ultimately, she was right. Tragically, it was her untimely death in a car accident on April 8, 2021 that awakened me to this truth and set me on this transformative journey.

I employ my artistic abilities as a means of therapy, aiding me in navigating the immense sorrow that has become an integral part of my existence. Remarkably, this profound grief has greatly influenced and shaped my artistic expression in unimaginable ways. Since her passing, a deep emotional void has been unveiled within me, a void that I had meticulously shielded throughout my entire life. As a result, my emotions can no longer be confined within tidy compartments. The artistic style I now possess serves as a reflection of the lens through which I perceive the world, for existing amidst this overwhelming grief feels akin to eternally draping oneself with a heavy, suffocating blanket.


I portray my work as a dialogue, seeking not just buyers but collectors. It goes beyond being a mere decorative piece for a dining room; its purpose is to evoke a profound understanding of the isolation and loneliness experienced by grieving parents. Through engaging with fellow parents in an online grief support forum, I realized that my own encounters were not unique. Inspired by this realization, I am determined to make a difference. My aim is for this work to have a strong impact and serve as an educational tool, breaking through the shroud of isolation that frequently accompanies grief..




もし私が選んだ誰かとコラボレーションする機会が与えられるとしたら、それは間違いなくカミーユ・ピサロでしょう。私は、芸術を通じて当時の差し迫った政治的、社会的問題に取り組む彼の恐れ知らずのアプローチを大いに賞賛します。自分の作品を紹介したいという彼の絶え間ない決意により、彼は影響力のある印象派展の 8 つすべてに出展することになりました。私はピサロと多くの似た傾向を共有していることがわかり、彼の指導の下で勉強することは絶対に夢が叶ったでしょう。

What can we expect to see from you in the future?



1 - We are the Story

2 - The Artist-Self Reflection

3 - あなたの幽霊

4 - Sara

5 - Alli


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