Painting by Intuitive Soul

Hello, I am

Painting by Intuitive Soul



私はルシアナ・フレモー (アーティスト: Intuitive Soul による絵画) です。ブラジルで生まれ、パリに 20 年以上住んでいます。私は独学のアーティストです。2021 年の春に、最初は治療目的で直感的に絵を描き始めました。すぐに情熱になりました…私にとっては啓示のようです!私の絵を描くプロセスは直感的であり、私の絵は宇宙的でスピリチュアルな旅への招待状です。


I am Luciana FREMAUX (artist Painting by Intuitive Soul), I was born in Brazil and I have lived in Paris for more than 20 years. I had never painted before when I tested intuitive painting during a workshop at the end of 2020. A few months later, in the spring of 2021, I started on my own for therapeutic purposes because after the death of my father I felt that I needed to express things... It was then that I felt that something was opening in me: I discovered an unsuspected world filled with magic and mystery!

My painting process is intuitive, I always paint without a specific goal, like on "autopilot" mode, just playing with colors, shapes, textures. It is the painting itself that reveals itself to me, and in the end, I discover often amazed, these images which are like a dream of a magical world, cosmic memories, portraits of the emotions that I carry within me.

How would you describe your work to someone seeing it for the first time?

My paintings are an invitation to Cosmic and Spiritual journey, they are like instant photographs of the messages I capture in these moments of intense connection with myself, messages from other galaxies, planets, and dimensions of the soul.

あなたの作品に影響を与えたアーティストは何ですか? 私は昔からアートが大好きで、パリに住んで以来ずっと展覧会の大ファンです。私はジョアン ミロ、カンディンスキー、シャガール、クリムトの作品をとても高く評価しています。また、カミーユ クローデルとロダンの彫刻も大好きです。しかし、私の作品にこれらの素晴らしいアーティストの影響があるかどうかはわかりませんでした。

If you could collaborate with any artist past or present, who would you select and why?

This is a very difficult question. It's like choosing the best of my paintings: I love them all because each one has a story and communicates an emotion to me. The same goes for all the artists I admire!

将来あなたに何を期待できますか? 私の創作過程では、どの絵も私自身にとって驚きであるため、未来を予測することは不可能です。これに答えるには、正確な芸術的計画を立てる必要がありますが、私にとってそれが自発的な創造性を妨げる要因となっています。

The best answer for me is: It's my intuitive soul that will lead this !


1 - The first days of the new world

2 - Opposing forces (in the Cosmos)

3 - 宇宙の夢

4 - Solar Explosion

5 - The Interval between two worlds


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