Portrait commission - Times Square

Portrait commission - Times Square

We are thrilled to announce that you now have the opportunity to commission a portrait by the talented Grant Milne. You can view more of his work here - www.artisttalkmagazine.com/grantmilne. The digital display of the portrait will take place in Times Square. 

The magnificent display can be found at 1560 Broadway, New York, NY (between 46th and 47th streets). Times Square attracts approximately 50 million visitors annually, and on an average day, around 340,000 pedestrians traverse through its bustling streets, as reported by the renowned tourism site NYC Go. Thus, there is an abundance of eager eyes awaiting your portrait. Further below, there are more detailed descriptions of the location along with a link to the live screen of the display. The dimensions of the billboard are 31 feet in height and 55 feet in width.

How to purchase?

1 - 続行する前に、以下に提供される包括的な情報をよく確認することが重要です。

2 - Decide Option 1 - Oil painting - £3,500 (GBP) per portrait or Option 2 - Digital painting - £1,900 (GBP) per portrait

3 - To initiate contact, simply click the email button below or send an email to grantmilne@artisttalkmagazine.com.

Email - grantmilne@artisttalkmagazine.com

4 - メールを作成する際には、お名前、連絡先情報、肖像画を描いてほしい人の写真を忘れずに記載してください。

5 - その後、追加情報と安全な支払いリンクが記載された電子メールを送信します。



グラント・ミルンによる肖像画のコミッションを提供できるようになり、タイムズスクエアでデジタル展示されることを発表できることを嬉しく思います。まずはオーダーメイドの似顔絵を受け取ります。ただし、これには 2 つのオプションから選択できます。

Option 1 - Oil painting - £3,500 (GBP) per portrait


オプション 2 - デジタルペインティング - 肖像画 1 枚あたり £1,900 (GBP)

(Please note - Painting size - The dimensions of the item will measure 26 cm in width and 34.5 cm in height, with a border. Larger paintings can be obtained for an additional fee.)

What sets digital painting apart from oil painting?

Firstly, let's consider the similarities. Both pieces share identical dimensions and will be presented in a standard frame. It is important to note that the frame depicted below is not indicative of the final framing.

Now, let's discuss the distinctions. The oil painting, in particular, will require more time as it needs to dry for a full 12 months upon completion. After that, we apply a varnish before sending it out. It is important to note that the oil painting itself should not exceed a 4-month completion timeframe before the drying process begins. Consequently, kindly anticipate the delivery of the painting within a span of 16 months.The oil painting will be exquisitely crafted on a stunning canvas, using only the finest quality oil paints.

The digital painting can be completed within a much shorter timeframe of just one month. The artwork is beautifully printed using the latest digital technology on Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308gsm, a globally renowned Fine Art paper for inkjet printing. This white cotton paper is highly sought-after for its unique felt-like texture, which adds a captivating three-dimensional effect to each piece and enhances the overall depth of the artwork. Furthermore, the matte inkjet coating ensures exceptional print quality, showcasing vibrant colors and rich blacks. Moreover, this paper is lignum and acid-free, making it remarkably durable and resistant to aging.


If budget and time are not constraints, we highly recommend opting for the oil painting. With its superior quality, you will enjoy an abundance of intricate details and vibrant colors. While both options are exceptional, the oil painting stands out as the superior choice, as it not only preserves its value but tends to appreciate in the market.

What is the process for creating the portrait?

The process for creating a portrait involves several steps that require careful attention to detail and skillful execution. First, Please send us a variety of photographs featuring the person you would like us to paint. If you wish us to personally meet the individual, this is an option available at an additional expense.

Once the reference photo or sitting is complete, the artist moves on to the next step which involves sketching the basic outline of the subject. This stage allows the artist to establish the proportions and composition of the portrait, ensuring an accurate representation. It requires a keen eye for detail and a steady hand to capture the subject's likeness.

After the initial sketch is complete, the artist begins to add layers of color and shading to bring the portrait to life. This is where the artist's skill and creativity truly shine as they carefully choose the colors and techniques that will best capture the subject's personality and essence. Each stroke of the brush or pencil is intentional and contributes to the overall effect of the portrait.

Throughout the process, the artist constantly refers back to the reference photo or the subject to ensure accuracy and to capture the subtle nuances of their features. This attention to detail is what sets a truly exceptional portrait apart from a mere likeness.


Times Square

Once your portrait is finished, we will promptly email you a picture for your approval. This picture will capture every intricate detail of your unique essence, beautifully encapsulating your personality and individuality. Subsequently, we will showcase this masterpiece digitally, right in the heart of the illustrious Times Square, on a day handpicked by you, ensuring maximum visibility and impact.



私たちの根底にあるのは、アートは視覚的に魅了されるだけでなく、忘れられない印象を残す体験であるべきだと考えています。そのため、私たちは、ポートレートの最初の作成から、世界で最も象徴的な場所の 1 つでの壮大なデジタル表示に至るまで、包括的なサービスを提供するためにこれまで以上の努力を行っています。そこで、あなたのビジョンを実現し、タイムズスクエアの中心であなたの傑作アートワークを目撃した人の記憶に永遠に刻まれる忘れられない瞬間を作りましょう。

(本イベントには当社は不参加となりますので、予めご了承ください。また、ご参加にかかる費用につきましては、申し訳ございませんが、当社では負担できませんので、ご負担いただきますようお願いいたします。また、日程が決まり次第、ご連絡させていただきます)変更することはできません。ただし、直接参加できない場合は、イベントのライブ ストリームをオンラインで視聴することもできます。)

How frequently will my portrait be displayed in the day you choose?

Expect your artwork to played on one day of your choice 4 times per hour from midnight to 11pm of the display date. We ensure 88 plays per day just in case there is a power shortage.

For example, if your ad is assigned to the 2nd, 11th, 31st and 52nd minute of every hour, you can expect to see your ad at 00:02 am, 00:11 am, 00:31 am, and 00:52 am, then this will repeat every hour until 11:52 pm (last play).

Example below - Zinedine Zidane


Google 検索で場所を確認するには - Pelé ストア - タイムズ スクエア。

The billboard is located on 1560 Broadway, between 46th and 47th Street, right above the Pelé store.

Watch live footage

以下のリンクを使用して、ディスプレイのライブ映像をご覧ください。以下の画像はスクリーンショットであることに注意してください。リンクボタンをクリックする必要があります。 EarthCam から提供されました。ウェブカメラのコンテンツ、テクノロジー、サービスを提供する者。 1996 年に設立された EarthCam.com は、世界中の場所の景色を集めた完全な検索可能なデータベースを提供する、風光明媚な Web カメラのネットワークです。弊社で証明したものではございませんので、予めご了承ください。イベント当日にディスプレイがライブで表示されることを保証することはできません。

Click here to watch live footage, which showcases the display

About the artist Grant Milne

信じられないほど才能のあるアーティストであるグラント ミルンは、魅惑的なアートワークを通じて周囲の世界の本質を捉える比類のない能力を持っています。彼のユニークな芸術的ビジョンにより、彼は見る人を想像力と感情の領域に連れて行く力を持っています。

Milne's artistic journey began at a young age when he first discovered his passion for creating visual masterpieces. As he honed his skills over the years, his passion evolved into a full-fledged dedication to his craft. His unwavering commitment to his art has allowed him to develop a distinctive style that is instantly recognizable.

ミルンの芸術性の最も注目すべき側面の 1 つは、被写体に命を吹き込む能力です。息をのむような風景、魅惑的なポートレート、鮮やかな静物画など、それぞれの作品には本当に畏敬の念を抱かせるような生命力の感覚が注入されています。彼が採用する複雑なディテールと鮮やかな色彩は、見る人を引き込み、想像力を魅了する奥行きと現実感を生み出します。

Milne's creative process is as fascinating as the final result. He meticulously researches his subjects, immersing himself in their unique characteristics and intricacies. This attention to detail allows him to authentically capture the essence of his subjects, ensuring that each piece tells a story and evokes a specific emotional response.

The impact of Milne's art extends beyond the canvas. His work has been showcased in prestigious galleries and exhibitions, where it has garnered critical acclaim and captivated art enthusiasts from all walks of life. His pieces have the remarkable ability to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers, resonating with people from diverse backgrounds and leaving a lasting impression.



View Examples of Grants work here

Portrait commission - Times Square


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